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April 2019
Good Friday Service 7pm
Come join us as we remember the day Jesus was crucified. When he gave his life for the forgiveness of our sins
Find out more »Easter Son Rise Service 6am
Join us as we celebrate the morning of Jesus's resurrection from the dead. We will remember as Mary, John and Peter visited the empty tomb and their excitement and wonder at finding Jesus had risen from the Dead. The service will be held at Los Osos High School Softball Field, located at the north end of the campus, 6001 Milliken Ave, Rancho Cucamonga. If you need directions please call Don Eddy on his cell phone at 909.265.5811
Find out more »June 2022
Ages To Stages
Ages to stages is a program designed to infuse hope into families. Everyone needs support and hope for today and for tomorrow. Click Below to find our more
Find out more »December 2022
BOSSY Womens Bible Study
Join us this fall as we begin our new study that will not only renew your mind but will also help you make connections and build friendships with the women of The Seed. We laugh. We cry. We pray. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey — there is a place for you at B.O.S.S.Y.! We need one another, and we need YOU! Come and be renewed. BOSSY meets Thursdays at Yvonne Eddy's Home at 7pm 6450 Emerald…
Find out more »Sunday Church Services
We meet at 9am Sundays 9284 Baseline Rd in Rancho Cucamonga. We also stream our services at 9am.
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