Idolatry is the worst sin of all, because it moves God to the periphery of our lives and puts something else in His place. It gives to something else the glory that should be God’s alone. Chameleon-like, it constantly disguises itself so that we are scarcely aware of its presence, even when we are most in the grip of it. Greed, Paul tells us, is idolatry, because it turns us away from God towards things, and makes the pursuit of them the passion of our lives. Today’s world is no less given over to idolatry than the ancient one; it’s just that its cruder forms were more prevalent then. Of course, idolatry was a pagan practice; Israel was forbidden to have anything to do with it. Yet it always held a fatal attraction for them, even in its crudest forms, because it seemed to work.
It was not just the primitive and backward people who practiced it, but the cultured and powerful – the Egyptians, the Assyrians and the Babylonians. And of course they attributed their success to the power of their gods. How absurd, then, for their humiliated victims to maintain that their God, the Lord, was supreme and that the gods of their conquerors were mere nothings. At times they must have doubted it themselves, and yet they were called to be witnesses to precisely that fact (vv. 6-8).
This is the context in which we see Isaiah’s broadside attack against idolatry in verses 9-20. Its purpose is to expose the real character of idolatry so that Israel will have no illusions about it. The truth is, that idolatry is not only deeply offensive to God, it is also fundamentally absurd; those who indulge in it feed on ashes and their deluded hearts deceive them (v. 20). Human beings make idols (v. 9), but the Lord has made Israel (v. 21), and displays His glory through her (v. 23b). What an honor! And it is an honor that we have inherited as the people of God today!
But such an honor calls for constant vigilance, for the danger of idolatry in one or other of its enticing forms is always with us. Remember, Isaiah says; remember the truth (v. 21). Our eyes and ears are constantly bombarded with lies about God and attractive alternatives to serving Him, and we will be swamped by them unless we constantly call the truth to mind. This is where meditation on Scripture is such a strengthening thing for us, for it is full of the greatness and glory and faithfulness of God. But what if we do stray, and slip into idolatrous patterns of thought or behavior? Return, says Isaiah, to the one who redeemed you (v. 22). We are all going to need a lot of forgiving on our way to our final rest, and the great news of the gospel is that it is available to us. The one condition is that we return and seek God for whenever we stray. Finally, sing for joy (v. 23). This last exhortation is addressed to heavens and earth, mountains, forests and trees, and in a sense they do praise Him; it is only humankind that is idolatrous. But surely, of all created things it is those made in God’s image who ought to praise Him most, and of them, the redeemed most of all. And those who do will find that the battle is won; it is impossible for idolatry to get a foothold in a joyful, praising heart.
Isaiah 44:6-23 Reflection Questions:
Other than greed, what other forms of idolatry does Paul warn us against?
Why do you think sin seems to be attractive and successful?
How do you keep yourself from giving into the temptations and lies that bombard us daily?