Hebrews 7:1-10 The Mystery of Melchizedek

When I was much younger (which was a long time ago) I used to love watching the old Sherlock Holmes movies with Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce. I would always try to solve the mystery before the end of the movie (which I wasn’t very successful at). The one thing I did learn is to never overlook any character in the story, even the most incidental. If you were asked to name the most important people in the Old Testament, I doubt that Melchizedek’s name would be on your list. He appeared once in Genesis 14:17-24; and he was referred to once more in Psalm 110:4. You could hardly call this “top billing.” But the Holy Spirit reached back into the Old Testament and used those two passages to present a most important truth: the priesthood of Jesus Christ is superior to that of Aaron because “the order of Melchizedek” is superior to “the order of Levi.”
The record of the event of Melchizedek and Abraham is in Genesis 14:17-24, so take the time to read it. The writer of Hebrews wanted us to note several facts about this mysterious man: He was both king and priest (v. 1), Aaron never had that privilege. It’s important to note that Melchizedek was not a “counterfeit” priest: he was the “priest of the Most High God” (Gen. 14:18 & 22). His ministry was legitimate.
His name is significant (v. 2b).In the Bible, names and their meanings are often important. The name of Melchizedek is “king of peace” as well as “king of righteousness.” “Righteousness” and “peace” are often found together in Scripture. True peace can be experienced only on the basis of righteousness. If we want to enjoy “peace with God” we must be “justified [declared righteous] by faith” (Rom. 5:1). Man cannot produce righteousness by keeping the Old Testament Law (Gal. 2:21). It’s only through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross that righteousness and peace could have “kissed each other.”
He received tithes from Abraham (v. 2a). This important fact is explained in verses 4-10. The word “tithe” means one tenth.” Under Jewish Law, the Jews were commanded to give God one tenth of their crops, herds, and flocks (Lev. 27:30-32). Tithing, however, did not originate with Moses. Abraham practiced tithing long before the Law was given. In fact, archeologists have discovered that other nations also tithed in that day.
His family history is different (v. 3). Melchizedek was a man, so he had to of had parents. But there is no record of his genealogy in the Old Testament; and this is significant because most great persons in the Old Testament have their ancestry identified. It was especially important that the priests be able to prove their ancestry. Melchizedek was not an angel or a superhuman creature; nor was he an Old Testament appearance of Jesus Christ. He was a real man, a real king, and a real priest in a real city. But as far as the record is concerned, he was not born, nor did he die. In this way, he is a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God. Though Jesus Christ did die, Calvary was not the end; He arose from the dead and today lives in “the power of an endless life (v. 16). The application is clear: neither Aaron nor any of his descendants could claim to be “without genealogy” (v. 3). They could not claim to have and endless ministry or claim to be both kings and priests like Jesus Christ.
He had authority to receive tithes and to bless Abraham (vv. 4-10). The greatness of Melchizedek is seen in the fact that Abraham gave tithes from the loot of a miniwar. Abraham acknowledged the authority of Melchizedek. Furthermore, Melchizedek blessed Abraham in a special way; and “the less is blessed by the better” (v. 7). In giving Melchizedek tithes and in receiving his blessing, Abraham affirmed the greatness of this king-priest. But how does this relate to Aaron? In an interesting way: Aaron and the tribe of Levi were “in the loins” of Abraham, yet unborn. So, when their father, Abraham acknowledged the greatness of Melchizedek, the tribe of Levi was also involved. The paying of the tithes involved not just the patriarch Abraham, but also the unborn generations in his loins. Since Jesus Christ came “of the seed of Abraham” (Heb. 2:16), does this mean that He too was a part of this experience? No, because Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. His identification with Abraham was for “the days of His flesh” (Heb. 5:7). Since Christ existed before Abraham (John 8:58), He could not have been “in Abraham” as were Aaron and his family.
Hebrews 7:1-10 Reflection Question:
What are some O. T. and N.T. examples of using “peace and righteousness” together?